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Love for me has never been breathtaking or ecstatic, rather educational and bittersweet. Yet, I am not disappointed at all. Too many unrealistic expectations are inculcated into people and it is good that I learned early. What I've listed below are some things that have brought me wisdom in this most tantalizing of emotional states.

The Man Who Loved Faioli is a splendid story written by one of my favorite authors of fantastic literature, Roger Zelazny. He may no longer be with us, but the ripples of one's life may scarcely be stemmed by death, as he so poignantly illustrates in one of his best known tales.

Gothic Personals has been a steady source of interesting people to meet, and sometimes a relationship of some sort has blossomed despite the distance and the faceless text that accompany mute, if beautiful, image files. Highly recommended!

CAUTION: Adult Content. is an unusual modern look at adult life and erotica. It's cutting edge sensibility blends with a bohemian style that hearkens back to such eras as The Belle Epoque and The Beat period. This has been expressed in their book Nerve: The New Nude.

Beauty also inspires thoughts of love. For myself, one of my close friends and muses has her own venture out now which I am happy to direct you to if interested. Check out Star and Garter magazine!